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The loss of work in times of COVID-19


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The loss of work in times of COVID-19

By flamboyant-noether

  • Jan 05 2021

The loss of work in times of COVID-19: A reality that we need to face on the go.

Something that most people can agree on is that the current crisis generated by COVID-19 has affected everyone at different levels, highlighting fear and anxiety, as well as other strong emotions generated by the presence of this pandemic. According to some charts, more than a third of the world population is in some level of seclusion and more than 90% of companies worldwide have interrupted their supply chains, generating an abrupt economic slowdown. Therefore, our emotional, social, and economic well-being is in jeopardy.

In the case of those who have lost their job, they face uncertainty that can cause stress, exhaustion, increased anxiety, discomfort for the employee, and their loved ones. During this pandemic, you must know how to recognize the signs of stress, take steps to build resilience, and manage the stress and sadness that this loss generates.

Placing ourselves in reality: we are in a health crisis

The first thing we should know is that it is a global crisis. Coronavirus is a real threat, so we have to be aware of the need to take the necessary preventive measures, and thank for the health we can count on. Learn the facts about COVID-19 and how to protect yourself and others. Before any action to return to the labor field, we must understand the risks we face, and support family and friends who also seek to follow the recommended measures.

We will need to identify the things we have no control over and do our best with the resources we have at our disposal. Crises are opportunities to bring out the best in us and emerge from them more willing to work for the common good and achieve a better world.


The key after losing your job is not to lose your cool, turn the situation around, use the time to strengthen your professional profile

Plan a daily routine. Establishing fixed schedules and specific tasks during the day will have a positive effect on the physical and psychological state.

Connect with others. Talk to people you trust about your concerns, how you feel, or how the COVID-19 pandemic affects you. Connect with others through calls, emails, text messages, letters, or postcards by correspondence, video calls, or social networks. Try to see how other people are. Helping others improves the sense of control, belonging, and self-esteem. Find safe ways to offer social support to others, especially if they show signs of stress, such as depression and anxiety.

Do a self-assessment and determine strengths, weaknesses, and motivations that allow you to focus on improving soft and technical skills. Maintain security measures, do not go out to leave resumes.

It is important to investigate the development of the crisis in your work field to identify what will be the most demanded positions once the isolation is over. Self-assess and determine what you need to be a demanded profile in the future.

Human Resources companies are working on databases for the demand for positions that will be after isolation. Therefore, it is a good time to upload your professional profile to job boards.

Strengthening business skills is mandatory at this time, the sales areas of companies will likely be the first to be reactivated, according to experts, for which they will need trained human talent.

Identify a primary network of contacts, as this allows the job search to be activated with the main contacts: family, friends, former coworkers, ex-bosses, acquaintances.

Taking into account that all people are in an unusual situation and have limited resources helps us to be more kind to ourselves.

Take breaks and stop watching, reading, or listening to the news. This includes social media. Hearing about the pandemic all the time can be unpleasant and mentally draining.

You can take advantage of this time to evaluate what you have done so far in the workplace, assess whether what you are doing is to your liking, and even look for new opportunities. Something that helps to visualize what you are good at is to analyze: your strengths, your interests, and the purpose of your life. By combining these elements, you are likely to come up with many activities for which you are useful.

In these times creativity will be essential to solve problems. Some people who have lost their job have reported finding temporary activities that help them to sustain themselves, for example, they have offered their services virtually, started a business that involves the sale of goods that they can produce themselves, or have offered their knowledge in a novel way.


Address your feelings of pain the same way you would with another loss. Allow a time to release the sadness and discomfort that you may be experiencing, sometimes it is necessary to cry or express ourselves, there is nothing wrong, since this is related to how important your source of income is to you, and it is valid. It is necessary that these emotions have their space, so that they are not blocked and overwhelm you later.

For some people, firing can make them think negatively about their performance or lower their self-esteem, but we must keep in mind that many companies have had to make difficult decisions, therefore it is important to be objective, the dismissal is probably due to financial difficulties and not due to personal failure.

It is probably time to accept the support of family and friends, or even ask for help from government entities. This crisis is not easy for anyone, and sometimes not having the financial resources to survive is overwhelming, you should not live this alone, accept help from whoever can help you since you can temporarily relieve a debt or concern, which will reduce a little stress and will allow you to focus on other situations.

You must know that many people understand what you are going through, and that it requires a lot of courage and effort to keep going amid difficulties, but surely you have a lot to offer, and perhaps in a few years you will remember this experience as the moment in that you were stronger than your circumstances.

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