SpecialistHarvard University graduateSan Francisco
SpecialistHarvard University graduateSan Francisco
SpecialistHarvard University graduateSan FranciscoI would like to know if it is something I can tell a friend, or if I would take it as an offense.
SpecialistHarvard University graduateSan FranciscoHi. I am a mother of two beautiful kids and married to their father for fifteen years. All these fifteen years, it’s a long struggle only to remain together like it’s an everyday battle. Nothing so big that i or he could quit but there is definitely nothing good either. Our emotional, physical bonding has come down to lesser than zero. No liking for each other. Nothing we appreciate about each other whereas, both of us are taking good care of our unavoidable responsibilities but there is no affection. Our fights are out and open in front of our kids. We don’t share laugh anymore nor we share the bed either. I will reiterate, both of us serve our duties well. Looking for some serious advise on this. Is it even fair to live a life without love and respect or after becoming parents, we are solely responsible to raise kids?
SpecialistHarvard University graduateSan FranciscoSo far we have no financial problems but she feels very sad, constantly cries and says negative comments about herself. I don’t know what to do because I have a lot of work and although I want to help her this generates a lot of tension and makes me feel irritated some times.
Dr. Git C
What are some effective conflict resolution strategies for couples?